November 5, 2023 11 minutes minutes read Admin

(Enterprise) signing

This API is mostly for developers.

Last Updated: 11/23/2023

API Token's

To use this endpoint you will need to purchase a api key.

keep in mind you will need to renew this token every month

Enterprise signing endpoint

Simply provide a direct file link and our API will generate signed files along with a json response with the current free certificate...

API URL endpoint.

Token's Types

Developers can pick between using a standard token or a premium token.

for Premium Tokens Use: 1

for Standard Tokens Use: 2

Endpoint with a url

Example of how the app is supposed to added to the api

API URL endpoint.

Output (json)

example of the api output


We're using "Headers" to access this endpoint. if you need any help we will be happy to assist you with anything. support tickets

Setup Curl

Curl version of the api 

curl -v \
    -X GET \
    -H "User-Agent: HTTPBot-iOS/2022.2.1" \
    -H "APITOKEN: Token Here" \
    -H "TYPE: 1" \

Setup Headers

How the endpoint should be setup...

if you need help with anything contact us: support chat

API Rate Limits's - Premium Api Key's

This only applies to users who purchased a premium api key's.

Request Per Day: Unlimited

keep in mind if the api is spammed your ip will be banned for 5 mins. we will talk about this system later on.

API Rate Limits's - Standard Api Key's

This only applies to users who purchased a standard api key's.

Request Per Day: 500

keep in mind if the api is spammed your ip will be banned for 5 mins. we will talk about this system later on.